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Dada in Berlin
Radical Art from 1918
The Dada movement began as a political and artistic reaction to the First World War. The key protagonists in Berlin were Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield, George Grosz and Johannes Baader. Dadaists used their work for radical attacks on German nationalism and militarism.
Dada evolved new forms of artistic expression that also fulfilled a desire to enlighten the public. Provocations and shock tactics – in works and on stage – were designed to make the audience reflect. Collages stuck together from newspaper clippings became Dada’s key medium. They were a vehicle for caustic and ironic commentaries on metaphysical ideologies in the recently founded Weimar Republic.
Dada subverted bourgeois ideas about what art is and how it should be produced. The Dadaists worked collaboratively and accepted random chance as a compositional principle. By including trivial everyday objects in their works they broadened the creative palette. Dada was united by an attitude, not by a style.
- Exhibited Objects
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- George Grosz (1893 - 1959) und andere
The Philistine Gone Wild (Electro-Mechanical Tatlin Sculpture)
Electro-Mechanical Tatlin Sculpture- 1920
- Schneiderpuppe, Revolver, Klingel, Messer und Gabel ,"C", "27", Gebiss, schwarzer Adlerorden, EK II, Osram Glühbirne
- 130 x 45 x 45 cm (Objektmaß)
- Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch
mille saluti d'italia
- 1920
- Inkjet Print, Faksimile
- 26,5x20,2 cm (Bildmaß)
- Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch
trés relativ, c'n'est pas Jesus, vraiment!
- 1920
- Inkjet Print, Faksimile
- 25,8x20,3 cm (Bildmaß)
- John Heartfield (1891 - 1968) und andere
Prussian Archangel
- 1920/1988
- Pappmaché auf Drahtgerüst
- 180 x cm (Objektmaß)
- Robert Sennecke (1885 - 1940) und andere
Untitled (Hannah Höch and Raoul Hausmann at the 1st International Dada Fair Berlin)
- 1920
- Faksimile, Inkjetprint
- 16,5 x 11,9 cm (Fotopapiermaß)
- Robert Sennecke (1885 - 1940) und andere
1st International Dada Fair Berlin - The participants from left to right Hannah Höch, Otto Schmalhausen, Raoul Hausmann, John Heartfield with child, Otto Burchard, Margarete and Wieland Herzfelde, N.N., N.N., Johannes Baader
- 1920
- Silbergelatinepapier (Faksimile, Inkjetprint)
- 16,5 x 11,9 cm (Fotopapiermaß)
- Robert Sennecke (1885 - 1940)
1st International Dada Fair Berlin - Wall with works of art by John Heartfield
- 1920
- Faksimile, Inkjetprint
- 16,5 x 11,9 cm (Fotopapiermaß)
- Robert Sennecke (1885 - 1940)
1st International Dada Fair Berlin - View into the exhibition
- 1920
- Faksimile, Inkjetprint
- 11,9 x 16,5 cm (Fotopapiermaß)
- Unbekannter Fotograf und andere
Ohne Titel (Erste Internationale Dada-Messe Berlin: Wieland Herzfelde vor der Arbeit "Bewegliches Figurenbild" von Otto Dix)
- 1920
- Silbergelatine (Faksimile, Inkjetprint)
- 42,5 x 32,5 x 3 cm (Rahmenmaß)
- Raoul Hausmann (1886 - 1971)
Untitled (Abstract Composition)
- 1918
- Mischtechnik (Öl und Collage) auf Leinwand
- 95,5 x 63 cm (Bildmaß)
- Hannah Höch (1889 - 1978)
Dada-Dolls (reconstruction by Isabel Kork and Barbara Kugel)
- Original 1916/1918
- Textilien, Papiere, Perlen
- genaue Einzelmaße unter Notizen 55,8 x 57,5 cm (Objektmaß)