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- 05
Upheaval and a Fresh Start
Avant-Garde Movements in Berlin, 1910–1933
As expressionism emerged, it polarised Berlin’s art scene. In 1910 a group of mainly young artists split from the Berlin Secession and founded the New Secession. This association lasted until 1914, encouraging the breakthrough of expressionism in Berlin and Germany. Proponents of this style painted reality as a world that was tense and out of joint. Urban life in Berlin was a frequent theme in their work. When the First World War broke out, these artists also depicted experiences of destruction, suffering and the collapse of the old social order.
The November Group was created in response to the November Revolution in late 1918. It brought together young revolutionary artists working in extremely diverse styles. They wanted painting, sculpture and architecture to play a role in building a democratic society. Up until 1932 the members organised numerous exhibitions, but also concerts of contemporary music and screenings of experimental film.
- Exhibited Objects
- Otto Bartning (1883 - 1953)
Star Church (design), 1921-1922, model after 1944
- Entwurf 1921/1922, Modellbau: 1944- 1957
- Gips, Eisendraht, Holz
- 42,5 x 80 x 79 cm (Objektmaß)
- Lovis Corinth (1858 - 1925)
Angelica with Dragon
- 1914
- Tempera auf Leinwand
- 227 x 209 cm (Bildmaß)
- Lovis Corinth (1858 - 1925)
Ruggiero and His Page
- 1914
- Tempera auf Leinwand
- 227 x 273 cm (Bildmaß)